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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

$45 Million in Federal Funding for Puerto Rico to Pay Unemployment Benefits and Modernize its Unemployment Insurance Program

Washington, DC-As a result of important changes it has made to the Island’s Unemployment Insurance program, the Puerto Rico Department of Labor and Human Resources will receive approximately $45 million in federal funds to pay unemployment benefits, to modernize its unemployment insurance system, and to train unemployed workers in order to improve their ability to find employment, Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi announced today.

“This assistance comes at a time when we need it most. We must do everything within our power to help displaced workers return to the workforce as soon as possible,” said the Resident Commissioner.
In announcing the funding allocation, U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis stated that the government of Puerto Rico has made important changes to its Unemployment Insurance program to better meet the needs of Island residents.

“I am pleased to see that the Puerto Rico Department of Labor, under the leadership of Secretary Miguel Romero, has satisfied the requirements to receive this infusion of federal funding and conducted itself in an exemplary manner on behalf of the people of Puerto Rico. And it is not just me who is saying this, but the U.S. Labor Secretary herself,” added Pierluisi.

To become eligible for this money, the government of Puerto Rico must have taken two of the following four actions: provided unemployment compensation to individuals seeking only part-time work; allowed an individual to continue receiving unemployment compensation if he or she leaves work due to compelling family reasons; provided unemployment compensation to unemployed individuals enrolled in training programs; and provided unemployment compensation to account for dependents of unemployed workers.